Sal Kol Toov

(In memory of The Lubavitcher Rebbe)

About our organization:

Our organization was founded in 2018 with the purpose of aiding economically struggling families, widows, orphans, ill children and adults, holocaust survivors, IDF soldiers, veterans and more.  There are currently 30 volunteers in the organization.

The aid given includes:

  • Subsidizing medical treatments.
  • Monthly financial support.
  • Food & clothing boxes for the holidays.
  • Schools supply for children.
  • Enriching and empowering gatherings and workshops for women with various mental challenges.
  • Full wedding package for brides including a wedding dress, dowry and even financial aid.
  • The organization helps approximately 30 brides each month.
  • The organization hosts social and spiritual events for soldiers in various military bases, the primary focus of these events is to boost morale.
  • Diapers for the elderly.
  • Daily distribution of bread, including Shabbat and holidays.
  • Weekly distribution of warm nutritious food.
  • Visitation arrangements by volunteers for lonely holocaust survivors, the volunteers help emotionally and physically.
  • Constantly adding activities and programs!
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